About Coleen MacKinnon

Coleen MacKinnon is a DEI specialist with a passion for accelerating progressive social change. She is the Founder of Sydney-based Inclusivity Quotient (InQ), a boutique consultancy specialised in authentically engaging men in co-creating safe, respectful and high-performing workplaces. She serves as Advisor to the Consult Australia Champions of Change and is a former board member with Women for Election Australia (WFE).

Workplace gender equality could be key to business renewal after COVID-19

By |2020-06-24T02:27:46+00:00June 22nd, 2020|Blog|

Workplace gender equality gains are going backwards in the chaos of COVID-19. Here’s how we can stop the decline – and why prioritising equality in the workplace can supercharge your organisation’s post-pandemic growth.  COVID-19 has done more than just rock the economic boat – it’s almost capsized it. [...]

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Three Wishes on #COVID-19 Mother’s Day

By |2020-06-24T02:27:56+00:00May 10th, 2020|Blog|

Whilst the jury’s still out, early evidence suggests working moms are paying the largest pandemic penalty. How do we move from resentment to a paradigm shift? When COVID-19 forced parents and children to work and learn from home, gender equality experts were divided: The optimists predicted a win [...]

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Three wishes for International Women’s Day 2020

By |2020-06-24T02:28:09+00:00March 8th, 2020|Blog|

#IWD is much like birthdays…a time to reflect on what’s going well, along with what we’d like to accomplish or improve. By objective measures, the glass is both half full and half empty for women in Australia. From WGEA’s latest Gender Equality Score Card, 50% of firms now [...]

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